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Issue Date: 03/18/2024 Contract Number: PON 5500 Round 2

Clean Hydrogen Innovation Round 2


Description of goods to services to be bid:

Revision to PON5500 Round 2 made on 7/3/24:
- Section II.B Funding Categories
o Removed "Multi-phase project proposals (i.e. a single project that spans more than one funding category) will be considered in this solicitation."
o Better defined scope of work requirements for Category B2.
- Attachment A – Proposal Narrative Template,
o Under Section IX, added "For projects with multiple sources of non-NYSERDA cost share, each non-NYSERDA source's contributions should be listed in its own separate column." and removed "Phased projects should include a Budget Template for each phase, as well as one for the total project."
o Under Section V, question 1, included language specifying the requirement for a site map for category B1 proposals as a separate attachment to ensure consistency with requirements in the solicitation summary.
- Frequently Asked Questions
o Corrected references to the solicitation summary.

Revisions to PON 5500 Round 2 include:  6-14-24

• Round 2 Proposal Due date changed to August 8th, 2024
• Updated Funding Category B (Pilot and Demonstration Projects) to make two separate subcategories:
o Subcategory B1: Pilot-scale Design Work
o Subcategory B2: Final Design, Construction, and Operation of Demonstration Projects
• Section II.B Funding Categories
o Added expected deliverables for Subcategory B1 and Subcategory B2.
• Section III Proposal Requirements,
o Added additional required proposal attachments: Letter(s) of Commitment and Cost Sharing File, For Category B only: Letter(s) of Site Commitment, Studies and Analysis File
o Applicants must provide a separate D2 Budget Form for each Subrecipient that is expected to perform work estimated to be more than $250,000.
• Section III.B Cost Sharing, added new requirements:
o Applicants are required to provide written assurance of their proposed cost share contributions in their applications.
o Cost share commitments cannot be dependent on a future event.
o Recipient is solely responsible for managing cost share contributions.
• Attachment A – Proposal Narrative,
o Section V: Added additional requirements for Category B projects to provide more information regarding the proposed demonstration site and project.
o Section IX: Added requirement that if the total project cost for a vendor is over $250k, a budgetary quote from the vendor will be required upon selection for contract negotiation.
NYSERDA is helping to stimulate and grow clean hydrogen solutions by providing funding for clean hydrogen research, development, and demonstration projects. This funding will support innovation in industrial applications for clean hydrogen, mitigation of nitrogen oxides emissions from hydrogen combustion, hydrogen storage technologies, hydrogen-based generation systems for microgrids and grid support services, and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.

If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website at:

Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences:

NYSERDA is accepting full proposals in the following funding categories: (A) Product Development, (B) Pilot and Demonstration Projects

To be eligible, a proposer must fit its proposal in one of the clean hydrogen innovation challenge areas below and one of the funding categories mentioned above.

Challenge 1. Hydrogen applications to decarbonize industrial process heat
Challenge 2. Mitigation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from hydrogen combustion
Challenge 3. Hydrogen storage technologies for bulk storage and limited footprint areas
Challenge 4. Hydrogen-based generation systems for microgrids and grid support services
Challenge 5. Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles


Due Date: 08/08/2024 3:00 PM

Contract Term: 3 Years

Location: New York State

Ad Type: General

Technical contact:     NYSERDA
Innovation - Hydrogen & Clean Fuels

Haiyan Sun
Program Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3311
Fax: 518-862-1091

Primary Contact:     NYSERDA
Innovation- Hydrogen and Clean Fuels
Haiyan Sun
Program Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3311
Fax: 518-862-1091

Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Nancy Marucci
Assistant Contract Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3335
Fax: 518-862-1091
Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Jillina Baxter
Office Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3418
Fax: 518-862-1091