Information Technology - Commodities |
RFI24-03: Audit SoftwareDescription: Through this Request for Information (“RFI”), the New York State Office of the State Comptroller (“OSC”) is seeking information on audit software. The RFI and all related documents are posted on the OSC website at NOTE: The RFI may, from time to time, be amended or addenda issued. It is the Proposer’s responsibility to become aware of any such amendments and/or addenda prior to submission of a response. All amendments and/or addenda to the RFI will be posted to the OSC website at Proposers should review the OSC website prior to submission of a response to ensure that they have all information required to submit a complete response. This solicitation is subject to, and shall be conducted in accordance with, the OSC Executive Order on Procurement Integrity and OSC’s Procurement Integrity Procedures, both of which are available in full on the OSC website noted above, or upon email request. All inquiries concerning this solicitation must be addressed to the Contracting Officer or designee(s) at OSC, via email (preferred) to or via hard copy mail to: Director of Finance Contract Term: Location: 110 State Street, Albany, NY 12236 Ad Type: Requests for information (RFI) and Requests for Comment (RFC)