
Financial - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Miscellaneous - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 05/16/2024 Contract Number: C000754

Total Compensation Analysis


The New York State Department of Civil Service (Department or DCS) Classification &
Compensation Division (C&C) has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) to
competitively secure the services of a qualified organization (Offeror) to review the
State’s total compensation structure, including benefits; compare it with those of similar
employers; and recommend strategies to make it be more competitive and responsive,
either directly or through subcontracts with organizations qualified to perform the Project
Services required by this RFP.

The Department will only contract with a single Offeror, which will be the sole contact
regarding all provisions of the Contract.

This RFP and other relevant information may be reviewed at:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: A Restricted Period under the Procurement Lobbying Law is
currently in effect for this Procurement, and it will remain in effect until State
Comptroller approval of the resultant Contract. During the Restricted Period for this
Procurement ALL communications must be directed, in writing, solely to the
Designated Contact as listed below:

All inquiries, questions, filings, and submission of
Proposals must be directed in writing to:
Dyane McGee
New York State Department of Civil Service
Attn: Office of Financial Administration,
Empire State Plaza, Swan Street Building – Core 1
Albany, New York 12239


Calendar of Events

Issuance of Request for Proposals May 15, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Written Questions May 29, 2024, 4:00 p.m. ET
Responses to Written Questions Posted June 5, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Proposals June 21, 2024, 12:00 Noon

Due Date: 06/21/2024 12:00 PM

Contract Term: 1 year upon OSC Approval


Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     Civil Service, NYS Dept. of
Office of Financial Administration
Swan Street Building
Dyane McGee
Contract Management Specialist 3
Core 1
Room 2109
Albany, NY 12239
United States
Ph: 518-473-7673

Secondary contact:     Civil Service, NYS Dept. of
Office of Financial Administration
Swan Street Building
Dyane McGee
Contract Management Specialist 3
Core 1
Room 2109
Albany, NY 12239
United States
Ph: 518-473-7673