Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services |
Rehabilitation of Taxiway L, Westchester County AirportDescription: Category Engineering Services:
Preliminary Design, Detail Design, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document preparation for this Scope of Work (SOW), and Construction Support Services, with an option for Construction Inspection Services for Airport Infrastructure Improvements, at Westchester County Airport, New York.
Notice is hereby given that the County of Westchester is seeking to retain an engineering firm to provide preliminary/ final design, Construction Support Services with an option for Construction Inspection Services for one project located in the County of Westchester at the Westchester County Airport.
The consultant shall provide comprehensive design services in narrative and graphic form with preliminary construction cost estimates and schedules acceptable to the County. These services will also include maintaining all compliance and reporting requirements associated with all Federal Aviation Association (FAA) Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) funding and Passenger Facility Charges requirements.
The consultant’s responsibilities in delivering Services are detailed by the requirements specific to this project. The design packages shall be submitted in the following phases for review by the County:
Schematic Design (representing the 30% design phase) – including plans, specifications, preliminary cost estimate, a schedule, a design report and possible alternates.
Preparing and managing the NEPA document appropriate for this SOW and in accordance with the FAA Order 1050.1F, entitled, “Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures.”
Design Development (representing the 60% design phase) – including plans, specifications, refined cost estimate, a refined schedule and incorporating County comments.
Construction Documents (representing the 90% design phase) – including plans, specifications, detailed cost estimate, a detailed schedule and incorporating County comments.
Final Documents (representing the 100% complete package to solicit bids) – including plans, specifications, anticipated cost estimate, anticipated schedule and incorporating County comments.
Each phase shall include presentations by the consultant, discussions and County reviews. The consultant shall incorporate review comments into plans and specifications and shall commence to develop and update plans, specifications, cost estimates and construction schedules.
The consultant shall prepare all design phases with cost estimates based on construction budget and scope as outlined below under Specific Components of the Project. The cost estimate shall be divided into logical components or groupings that comprise scope of work as outlined below. Using the developed design and design cost estimate, the consultant working in conjunction with the County will revise the project scope and drawings as required.
Upon County approval of the Schematic Design, the consultant shall complete the Design Development, Construction Documents and Final Documents.
Either through sub-consultants or with in-house capabilities, the consultant shall be responsible to perform all survey, geotechnical investigation and any other testing normally required during design.
Specific Components of the Project:
Proposers are strongly encouraged to review findings of existing conditions as well as proposed changes. The availability of existing information DOES NOT excuse the consultant from performing any survey, geotechnical investigation or any other testing required to design a complete project.
The County is interested in a least-cost staging strategy and construction period with minimum impact on day-to-day operations. Taking into consideration staging of work in a high security environment, proposers shall provide in their proposals a construction strategy inclusive of a bar-chart construction schedule for entire scope depicting duration of construction tasks with achievable milestones so as to confirm and/or modify 12 months estimated construction period.
Work will involve the rehabilitation of Taxiway L including edge lighting, circuits, circuit cabling including drainage for duct banks, signage, paved surfaces, and surface markings.
The project also includes:
This Work is part of County Airport Capital Improvement Project (ACIP) – Rehabilitation of Taxiway L and shall comply with requirements of the FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and Passenger Facility Charges Program.
Design guidelines:
It is mandatory to use the most current versions of the following Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines / Advisory Circulars (AC), for the collection and design of geospatial airport, aeronautical data, and operational safety funded under Federal grant assistance programs.
FAA Order 1050.1F, “Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures.”
AC 150/5300-16 “General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Establishment of Geodetic Control and Submission to the National Geodetic Survey”
AC 150/5300-17 “General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Airport Imagery Acquisition and Submission to the National Geodetic Survey”
AC 150/5300-18 “General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Airport Survey Data Collection and Geographic Information System Standards”
AC 150/5300-13 “Airport Design”
AC 150/5340-18 “Standards for Airport Sign Systems”
AC 150/5345-7 “Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits”
AC 150/5345-10 “Specification for Constant Current Regulators and Regulator Monitors”
AC 150/5345-46 “Specification for Runway and Taxiway Light Fixtures”
AC 150/5345-53 “Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program”
AC 150/5370-2 “Operational Safety on Airports During Construction.”
AC 150/5370-10 “Standard Specifications for Construction of Airports”
AC 150/5200-37 “Safety Management Systems”
Data providers should make maximum use of existing data for the airport which is traceable to the source to meet the requirements before undertaking additional data collection. Data collected or proposed for use in a project must meet the tolerances specified in the above Advisory Circulars at the 95 percent confidence level (RMSE) before being used in the project or as part of the required deliverables.
The contracted surveyor will validate airport geodetic control use existing PACS (PID: LX7500), SACS (PID: AE2411) and SACS (PID: AJ8916). If the existing PACS/SACS are determined to be damaged, the project will establish temporary geodetic control as required.
To ensure safety, all survey data collected by the contracted surveyor must meet the accuracy requirements in FAA Advisory Circulars 150/5300-16, 17, & 18. All data must be in the proper format in order for the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) to validate the accuracy and approve the collected data.
For further information on how to comply with the requirements of the FAA Airport Survey-GIS Program, see .
No imagery will be collected or submitted for this project.
The project survey will collect and provide as-built information for all required attributes for relevant features as listed in -18B.
The Consultant must provide data in the following 3D geospatial vector file format: Shapefile (ESRI format), referenced to North American Datum 1983 New York State Plane East Zone in feet and 3 North American Vertical Datum 1988. Each feature must have corresponding metadata in accordance with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata standards.
Design will include but not be limited to: schematic design; design development; and construction document preparation including plans, specification and construction cost estimate. The selected consultants(s) shall act as the County’s agent in connection with the County’s responsibility for complying with the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity and preparing any related documentation, as required. All design must be in accordance with FAA requirements.
Construction Support Services will include but not be limited to: providing assistance in construction bid proceedings; analysis of bids; review of shop drawings; attending project job meetings; site visits and providing revised design and details when required by field conditions.
Construction Inspection will include but is not limited to: providing on-site construction inspection and oversight to ensure the quality of construction and conformity with the final plans and specifications.
The design shall be in accordance with all Federal, State, County and local codes and regulations. The selected consultant shall act as the County's agent in connection with the County's responsibility for complying with the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activity and prepare any related documentation as required.
In addition to all the other requirements, the Consultant recognizes and understands that it is an essential element of the work that the Consultant ensure that any work it does, including but not limited to any plans, specifications, drawings, designs, management and advice, complies with the County’s policy of Best Management Practices for Water Quality Protection. Therefore, the Consultant shall, at a minimum, incorporate the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (hereinafter “NYSDEC”) technical standards for erosion and sediment control contained in the document, New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control, as the same may be amended from time to time. In addition, the Consultant shall incorporate for the design of water quality and water quality controls (post-construction stormwater control practices), the NYSDEC standards detailed in the New York State Storm Water Management Design Manual, as the same may be amended from time to time. Both documents should be obtained from the NYSDEC website to insure that the Consultant has the latest versions of such documents. In addition, the Consultant shall apply these standards to ALL work done for the County, regardless of the size of the project. For example, if the State standards applies only to projects of 1 acre or greater and the County’s project is less than one acre, then the Consultant shall utilize the State standard for the larger project. To the extent that there is any conflict between the County standards and the standards required by any other regulatory agency, the Consultant shall utilize the stricter standard. The Consultant shall determine if the project shall require any permits from regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, permits that concern storm water management. To the extent that the services rendered by the Consultant involve design of the project and to the extent that any permits are required for the project, the Consultant shall complete the permit application and prepare the necessary information required by the permitting agency, including, but not limited to, the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.
Site Visit:
There is no site visit required for this Request for Qualifications. Questions can be sent to Christopher Prashad, Westchester County Airport, via e-mail at
Consultant Selection:
The County of Westchester will select the most highly qualified firm according with the following criteria, listed in order of decreasing importance:
Interested firms should submit four (4) copies of their Expression-of-Interest (EOI) to the address below, no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, September 20, 2024. An EOI shall be composed of an (SF) 330 for the prime and all proposed sub-consultants. Instructions provided for completing the form must be followed.
Special Project Requirements: The selection and retention of a consultant will be contingent upon the availability of the proposed key staff, unless substitutes are approved by the County during negotiations. The top ranked firms may be requested to prepare and give oral presentations before the County selection committee. All qualified proposers not selected for this project, will be considered on future projects at the Westchester County Airport.
Minority Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals in response to this solicitation. Other proposers are encouraged to submit MWBE sub-consultants, where appropriate.
Designated firms must submit proof of authority to practice engineering / land surveying in NYS immediately upon designation.
Subconsultants, Subcontracting and/or joint ventures are permitted.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal: 6%
Proposal Due: September 20, 2024 by 4:00 pm Contract Term: 1/2025 – 12/2026
Location: Westchester County, New York Contact 1: Christopher Prashad Westchester County Airport 240 Airport Road Suite 202 White Plains New York 10604 (914) 995-5721 e-mail:
Submit to: Christopher Prashad Westchester County Airport 240 Airport Road Suite 202 White Plains New York 10604 (914) 995-5721 e-mail: Due Date: 09/20/2024 4:00 PM Contract Term: January 2025 - December 2026 Location: Westchester County Airport Ad Type: General