
Miscellaneous - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Construction Horizontal: Highways & Roadways; Maintenance, Repair & New Construction - Consulting & Other Services

Facilities, Maintenance, Repair & Building Operations - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 10/02/2023 Contract Number: Multiple

2020-22 Local Government Citizens Re-Organization Empowerment Grant (CREG) Program


Applications are being solicited through the New York State Department of State. All CREG opportunities are available at:

Please review the RFA to determine which grant opportunity best suits your needs. Below is an overview of the available grant opportunities:

1) Re-Organization Planning

Re-organization planning includes data gathering, analysis, and discussion to understand the current services and responsibilities of each involved local government entity. Additionally, a re-organization planning project includes an examination of the financial impact of reorganization on all involved local governments, an assessment of potential management and service delivery changes, a review of potential impediments related to re-organization, and a list of recommended steps to complete the re-organization, as well as an inventory of other efficiency options if the re-organization is not completed.

2) Re-Organization Implementation

Re-organization implementation includes activities pursuant to a dissolution plan or consolidation agreement if it is determined, either by the governing board or by citizen referendum, that re-organization is in the best interests of the local government entity and its residents. Implementation activities pursuant to the plan are eligible for funding.

3) Expedited Re-Organization Assistance

Expedited Re-Organization Assistance is available when the electors of a local government entity file a petition pursuant to Article 17-A of the General Municipal Law. Local government entities that receive such a petition are eligible to apply for Expedited Re-Organization Assistance to cover costs associated with the development and dissemination of information to the electors prior to the required referendum.

Questions are due the third Wednesday of every month.

If necessary, RFA updates will be posted the fourth Wednesday of every month.

Due Date: 09/27/2024

Contract Term: earliest start date 4/1/2020 with a 5-year term

Location: all NYS counties

Ad Type: Grant or notice of funds availability

Technical contact:     State, NYS Department of
Local Government

Kyle Wilber
Local Government Specialist 3
1 Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
United States
Ph: 518-473-3355
Fax: 518-474-4777

Primary Contact:     State, NYS Department of
Bureau of Fiscal Management
Sandra Nolan
1 Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
United States
Ph: 518-474-2754

Secondary contact:     State, NYS Department of
Local Government

Kyle Wilber
Local Gov't Specialist 3
1 Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
United States
Ph: 518-473-3355
Fax: 518-474-4777