
Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Construction Horizontal: Highways & Roadways; Maintenance, Repair & New Construction - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 05/20/2024 Contract Number: PLN2024-01

DRI - Public Plaza and Main Street Streetscape Improvements


The City of Niagara Falls (the “City”) is seeking qualified firms (“Proposers”) to provide professional design and construction management services in connection with an awarded grant from the New York State Department of State (“DOS”) for the Niagara Falls Bridge District Downtown Revitalization Initiative (“DRI”) pursuant to the provisions of the New York State 2019?2020 Budget and in accordance with the State of New York Master Contract for Grants number C1001876, effective September 19, 2022, as amended (the “Grant Agreement,” see Exhibit A and Exhibit B).   

The specific components of the DRI (the “Project”), which are the subject of this RFP are:

Project Component 1: Implement Streetscape Enhancements on Main Street; 

Project Component 2: Create a Public Plaza on Main Street at Cleveland Avenue; 

Project Component 3 (Add Alternate): Improve Neighborhood Connections to Whirlpool Street and State Park Trail System on Linwood Avenue, Lincoln Place, and Cleveland Avenue. 

Due Date: 08/09/2024 2:00 PM

Contract Term: Award to Project Completion

Location: City of Niagara Falls DRI District See RFP Exhibit C

Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     Niagara Falls, City of
Planning Department

Kevin Forma
Director of Planning & Environmental
745 Main Street
P.O. Box 69
Niagara Falls, NY 14302
United States
Ph: 716-286-4470

Secondary contact:     Niagara Falls, City of
Purchasing Division
Leeann Huey
Purchasing Agent
745 Main Street
P.O. Box 69
Niagara Falls, NY 14302
United States
Ph: 716-286-4372
Fax: 716-286-4337
Secondary contact:     Niagara Falls, City of
Planning Department
City Hall, Room 305
Kevin Forma
Director of Planning
745 Main Street
P.O. Box 69
Niagara Falls, NY 14302
United States
Ph: 716-286-4470