
Utilities & Green Energies - Construction

Facilities, Maintenance, Repair & Building Operations - Construction

Information Technology - Construction

Miscellaneous - Construction

Issue Date: 08/27/2024 Contract Number: TBD

Phone/Fiber cable repairs


Replace 1/4" strand wire and pol line hardware.

Replace and repair Fusion splice (2) 12SM fiber optic cables and test

Replace damaged copper telephone cables (2-25 pair to replace 50 pair) and splice to reconnect services test and trouble shoot as needed.

Repair and replace lashing wire.

Due Date: 09/18/2024 8:00 AM

Contract Term: 1 month

Location: Otisville Correctional Facility, 57 Sanitorium Ave., Otisville, NY 10963

Ad Type: Discretionary procurements between $50,000 and $750,000

Primary Contact:     Corrections and Community Supervision, NYS Dept. of
Otisville Correctional Facility

Walter Greiner
Facility Steward
57 Sanitorium Ave.
Otisville, NY 10963
United States
Ph: 845-386-1490 ext.3100

Secondary contact:     Corrections and Community Supervision, NYS Dept. of
Otisville Correctional Facility

Walter Greiner
Facility Steward
57 Sanitorium Ave.
Otisville, NY 10963
United States
Ph: 845-386-1490 ext.3100