
Facilities, Maintenance, Repair & Building Operations - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 03/09/2022 Contract Number: PON 4693

Real Time Energy Management + Tenants


Description of goods to services to be bid:

May 23, 2024

The following changes have been made to PON 4693 Real Time Energy Management + Tenants Program:

1. Addition of Portfolio Owners and Managers RFQ Category
2. Addition of Commercial Office Tenant Submission Track
a. Added Commercial Office Tenant definition and eligibility requirements
b. Added Commercial Office Tenant application submission process via the RTEM email
c. Added specific terms for minimum project scope required for eligibility and funding
d. Added specific funding cap for Commercial Office Tenant Track Projects of $165,000
3. Addition of Grid Interactive & Efficient Building (GEB) Performance Incentive
a. Added specific terms for minimum project scope required for eligibility and funding
b. Added specific funding cap for GEB Performance Incentives of $200,000
4. Raising Commercial Portfolio Owner cap to $2,000,000.00 (from $1.6M)
5. Addition of Standard Customer Consent Language
a. Updated Project and Utility Data Sharing requirements
6. Modification of application close date to August 30th, 2024
7. Clarifications:
a. All eligible projects must include both a Qualified System and Service Vendor from RFQ 4634
b. Qualified Vendors and Building Owners may submit under the Building Owner Track, while Commercial Tenants may submit under the Commercial Office Tenant Track
c. Added project scope and system minimum requirements for both Building Owner and Tenant Track Projects.


This PON 4693 has been revised: Lowered customer portfolio incentive cap from 10% of total funds ($2,500,000) to no more than (8) sites or $1,600,000 dollars.

Real-Time Energy Management + Tenants Program ("RTEM + Tenants" or the "Program") is focused on supporting the deployment and utilization of energy management systems and services in leased commercial offices. The Program is intended to accelerate market adoption of systems and services that reduce the energy use intensity of commercial office buildings, including in tenant spaces. Real time insights on energy end-uses throughout a building’s occupied spaces and conditioned zones can maximize whole-building energy performance, improve equipment and plant optimization, identify measures for reducing whole-building carbon footprint, enable participation in demand flexibility markets, and better inform capital projects that deliver on both energy and wellness (i.e. ventilation) goals across a whole building space. The Program will identify and expand upon the industry's best practices for energy management technologies and data-driven performance optimization in all building spaces. This Program works in conjunction with NYSERDA RFQ 4634. Only NYSERDA RTEM + Tenants Qualified Vendors may be Applicants to this Program.

The PON describes a set of project application qualifications - if qualified, projects are eligible for NYSERDA cost share.


If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website at:

Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences:

Firms qualified via the RTEM RFQ 4634 are eligible to submit project applications for cost share to this PON. Applicants must meet all project requirements detailed in the PON including but not limited to monitoring, analytics, and energy management advisory services on both base building and tenant space energy consuming loads.


Due Date: 08/30/2024 3:00 PM

Contract Term: 3 years

Location: Commercial office buildings in New York State

Ad Type: General

Technical contact:     NYSERDA
Commercial - AES
Cody Glavey West
Project Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3803
Fax: 518-862-1091

Primary Contact:     NYSERDA
Commercial AES
Cody Glavey West
Project Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3803
Fax: 518-862-1091

Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Venice Forbes
Assistant Contract Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3507
Fax: 518-862-1091
Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Jillina Baxter
Office Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3418
Fax: 518-862-1091