Advertise your procurement opportunities to
thousands of businesses for free!
Government agencies and other eligible entities
If you are a state agency, a municipality, a not-for-profit or other entity that needs to submit ads to the NYS Contract Reporter (NYSCR) for publication, you will want to register for a government entity account. The registration process checks to see if your agency or municipality has an active NYSCR account.
If your government entity has an active account: complete the registration process and a message will be sent to your entities Contract Reporter administrator for approval
If your government entity does not have an account: complete the registration process and a message will be sent to the Contract Reporter system administrator for approval
Once registered, the NYSCR system will guide you through the advertising process.
Managing your agency advertisements has gotten easier
The NYS Contract Reporter offers many new tools and features to help your agency manage their procurement notices and solicitation publications. Some of these tools and features include:
- a dashboard which lists all ad activity for your agency
- delay publication of ads up to 30 days
- expanding ad categories and classifications
- upload supporting ad documents
- ad change log that tracks modifications to your ad
- view who's interested in your ad
- automatic reminders to post bid results
- republish an ad 30 days prior to archive
All services through this web site are free, but you must first register for a free government entity account.

Prime contractors
After creating your NYSCR business account, you can register your company on the NYSCR Business Registry. With a Registry account, you and others at your company can submit ads for publication in the NYS Contract Reporter (NYSCR), and search the directory for subcontractors and suppliers for your government related contracting needs.
Your company’s NYSCR ad will be sent through the NYSCR’s eAlert bid notification system to reach thousands of registered businesses in targeted industry sectors.