
Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services

Issue Date: 09/06/2024 Contract Number: RFBK 24-16

Pike Plan Demolition (Arch Eng Svcs)


Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals are sought and requested for the following:

Sealed proposals for RFPK24-16: Design Services, an Architectural/Engineering Services firm for design, bid phase, and construction phase services for the demolition of a sidewalk canopy structure, in the City of Kingston, Ulster County, New York.  Proposals are sought and requested as set forth in RFPK24-16 Demolition Design Scope of Work and specifications prepared by The Office of the City Engineer, City of Kingston, 420 Broadway, Kingston, New York 12401.


The many commercial and residential buildings on Wall Street and North Front streets were constructed in a highly decorative style of mid 19-th century architecture and a covered wooden arcade added to the façade in 1973.  This covered arcade referred to in this document and project as the Pike Plan, is installed on buildings on Wall Street from Johns Street to North Front Street and on North Front Street from Fair Street to Crown Street.  The section on North Front Street from Fair Street to Wall Street is the only section on one side of the street.  All other sections described above are on both sides of North Front Street and Wall Street. The Pike Plan was largely re-built in 2011, and one small section was re-constructed in 2020.  Due to the deterioration of the structure, the city has decided to remove the entirety of the city-owned Pike Plan.


The proposal documents may be examined at the Office of the City Engineer, City Hall, 420 Broadway, Kingston, New York 12401. Electronic copies of the RFP documents may be obtained at no cost to prospective bidders via electronic mail by contacting Bradley Borquist, Engineering Aide at or alternatively on BidNet Direct as well.


Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Kingston at the Office of the City Engineer no later than 4:00 PM on Wednesday September 25th, 2024. Proposals received after the designated date and time will be considered unresponsive and returned to the proposer unopened.


                                                Request for Proposal Information


                                                Name:  Pike Plan Demolition


                                                RFP#:  RFPK24-16

                                                Proposals Due: Wednesday September 25th   2024   

                                                Time:   4:00 PM

                                                Place: Engineering Office

420 Broadway

                                                            Kingston, New York 12401


                        Contact Person:           Bradley Borquist, City Engineering Aide

Due Date: 09/25/2024 4:00 PM

Contract Term: thru 12/31/24

Location: Kingston NY

Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     Kingston, City of
John Schultheis
City Engineer
420 Broadway
City Hall
Kingston, NY 12401
United States
Ph: 845-334-3967

Secondary contact:     Kingston, City of
John Schultheis
City Engineer
420 Broadway
City Hall
Kingston, NY 12401
United States
Ph: 845-334-3967