
Construction Vertical: Building Construction; Rehabilitation & New Construction - Construction

Issue Date: 09/05/2024 Contract Number: PO TBD

MacKenize West Rowhouse Roof Replacement


Alfred State College is seeking a qualified contractor for to remove and install new roofing on MacKenize West Rowhouses 1, 2, & 3  on Campus.

New York State prevailing wages apply, and insurance requirements are to
be met as per the State University of New York, Office of Capital Facilities,
Guidance Document CLC-10, Insurance requirements & Review revised
April 2024.

Please review the attached documents for the creation of your quote.
All questions regarding the solicitation can be directed to Jon Nickerson, Director of Facilities, at

Due Date: 09/26/2024 2:00 PM

Contract Term: 3 Month

Location: 10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802

Ad Type: Discretionary procurements between $50,000 and $750,000

Primary Contact:     State University of New York (SUNY)
SUNY Alfred

Paul Schroeder II
Director of Construction
10 Upper College Drive
Huntington Administration Building
Alfred, NY 14802
United States
Ph: 607-587-3989

Secondary contact:     State University of New York (SUNY)
SUNY Alfred

Paul Schroeder II
Director of Construction
10 Upper College Drive
Huntington Administration Building
Alfred, NY 14802
United States
Ph: 607-587-3989