Fuels & Lubricants - Commodities |
Spot Natural Gas Supply - Richard M. Flynn Power PlantDescription: This is continuous Solicitation for Spot Natural Gas Supply - Richard M. Flynn Power Plant in Holtsville, New York to be renewed upon expiry. Solicitation for qualifications will be accepted on a continuous basis. Natural Gas supplies (next-month, next-day and intraday) through existing gas pipelines at NYPA's option on a Firm or fully interruptible basis per following schedules.
Swing - Upon demand for next-day and intraday supplies and availability. NAESB Contracts are required to be executed with NYPA for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas. All Physical Gas Transactions shall be as per industry standard North American Energy Board (NAESB) Base Contract Terms and Conditions. Gas suppliers are required to provide adequate information for the transporting pipeline(s) and to indicate its agreement for the Gas Transportation. Delivery shall be made to existing pipeline interconnections with the New York Facilities System. Suppliers must possess clean rights and title to sell such gas and financial capability to complete the Gas Transactions Due Date: 12/31/2025 5:00 PMContract Term: Location: Richard M. Flynn Power Plant in Holtsville, New York Ad Type: Requests for information (RFI) and Requests for Comment (RFC)